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small space advertisement and microsite

This advertisement is the product of a 2-day in-class campaign. On the first, we were told to select a UNL registered organization and design a small space advertisement urging viewers to join the club. Small space ads are challenging to create without problems of readability or recognition on a busy page. 


For this ad, we focused on a large landscape image that would intrigue viewers to click on it and be taken to our landing page. My partner and I created the tagline, “your journey awaits” to excite viewers and draw their attention. Our button design was inspired by a vector on their site, and in the gif version,  the circles pop up.


This is the page users would land on after clicking “sign up” on the small space advertisement. Again, we opted for large landscapes images that are visually striking. Our color palette is cool and earthy, with pops of red for excitement and to coordinate with UNL’s brand image. The site is organized so users can learn about various aspects of the club and then enter their information to join.

Color and Typography.png
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